Alternatives to Corporate Technologies for Managed Services

Looking for alternatives to Corporate Technologies for Managed Services?

Are you frustrated with your current tech support contract? We get a lot of calls from clients who are looking for an alternative to Corporate Technologies for their Tech Support or Managed Services contract.

We differ from your typical large tech support company or managed services firm for a number of reasons:

  • You’ll be on a first name basis with the tech you enjoy working with the most.
  • You aren’t forced to use a ticketing system to talk to someone. In fact, you can just pick up the phone, and give your tech a call whenever you have a problem.
  • Each time you call, you will be greeted by a live person during business hours. Go ahead, try calling us at 952-548-5558 and say hi!
  • We do not have tiers you have to go through before talking to someone who knows what they’re talking about. All of our techs are experts, and you will be in good hands.
  • Our techs are never condescending or rude. Whether your problem is big or small, our techs will handle it with care, efficiency, and courtesy.
  • All things considered, we are usually able to reduce your overall IT costs.

Find out how much better IT can really be. Feel free to give us a call, and try us for 30 days. If you don’t love working with us, you don’t have to.

If you have questions, 0r are considering moving to another managed services provider, feel free to call our experts at  952-548-5558 and ask for Adam.

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OAC Technology
