Common Cloud Myths

Common Cloud Myths

The joke in our industry is that there is no cloud. It’s just someone else’s server you’re renting.

With that said, the cloud represents a major advancement in server technology. It effectively pools resources and allows clients to access a greater range of facilities and tools that will store and process online data in a more cost-effective manner. With research and by implementing the correct methods, cloud services can be very effective, especially for the smaller businesses where cost savings are of great importance.

There are a number of myths that have developed regarding the use of cloud-based technology. We have addressed a few of them below.

My Data Is Safe In The Cloud

No, it isn’t.

While it can be safer, there are still risks. Often times, the terms in your agreement with your cloud provider(s) will outline the reasons why they are not responsible for your data. From hardware failures, software bugs, exploits, or even compromised passwords, large cloud providers such as Microsoft, Google, or AWS, generally aren’t responsible should something happen to your data.

I Don’t Need To Backup, My Data Is In The Cloud

“But my data is at Microsoft, and they handle the backups.”

The backups are great should YOU accidentally delete something, but if your cloud environment is compromised, you get ransomware, or something bad goes unnoticed for a few days, your backups may not restore the data you need.

We recommend backing up your data outside of whatever cloud you have your data in. For example, if you have your data in Microsoft’s 365, we recommend using a third party to backup or host your data.

We provide backups for Microsoft 365, Azure, AWS, and Google. Contact us for a free consult on what you may need.

The Cloud Is Always A Better Fit

Cloud-based solutions can be optimal for a variety of business initiatives, as long as it is applied in the right manner. However, each case should be looked at individually. Not all of your company’s systems will naturally fit into the options that are available. It is worth spending time finding out which cloud options can be best applied to your existing IT solutions. This way, any potential problems can be flagged and dealt with.

As long as care is taken and research is applied, cloud solutions will speed up your processes and reduce business costs.

Cloud Security Is A Major Problem

When it comes to security, the majority of IT solutions should undergo careful planning and review. Transferring data to cloud-based services, doesn’t necessarily improve or weaken security, it simply changes how you secure things.

For a business operating on its own systems, all security measures in place are their responsibility. By using the services of a cloud-based partner, the threat becomes a shared one. Good cloud-based operators have state-of-the-art encryption in place and can improve the security of the overall system.

If your company is interested in implementing cloud-based solutions, do not hesitate to contact the IT professionals at OAC Technology. We offer complete cloud services for businesses.

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OAC Technology
