How Do We Get Rid of Our Server and Move Everything to the Cloud?

How do we get rid of our server and move everything to the cloud?

Many companies today are looking to get rid of their server and move to the cloud. There are many benefits to this transition including cost reduction, scalability, and improved security features. However, there may also be additional costs included with cloud storage such as additional software licenses and IT support costs. For more information on the differences between server and cloud hosting, check out these two articles: Is it a Good Idea to Move Our Data to the Cloud? and Public Cloud vs. Private Cloud vs Hybrid Cloud: What’s the Difference?

If you are ready to make the jump, keep reading for tips to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Current Infrastructure

An important first step to get rid of your server before moving to the cloud is having a good picture of your current setup. What applications are running on your on-site servers? What data or workflows are dependent on your current systems?

Assess your system so you know what needs to be migrated and what pieces of data are the highest priority. By doing so, you minimize any surprises, business downtime, and data loss during the process.

Pick the Right Provider

It’s critical that you pick a cloud provider that is the best fit for your company and your infrastructure. The big name and most common options for many businesses include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and our personal recommendation for many businesses, Microsoft Azure. Each of these providers have unique features, so it’s important to choose based on your business needs. You can always consult with an IT firm to assist with these choices.

Plan your Migration

There are many ways to approach your move to the cloud. After your assessment, you should be able to determine whether a slow, phased approach is ideal or if you want to cut and swap over all at once. Typically, the slower approach of moving data in smaller chunks is safer and makes troubleshooting along the way easier.

While you are planning the migration, consider how you are going to maintain data security. Does the provider you chose comply with any required and relevant industry standards or regulations such as HIPAA? Include implementation plans for security controls, encryption, and security audits so that your data is protected the entire way through this migration process.

Backup Your Data

Data backups are important during normal business operations, and crucial during any migrations like these. The migration process introduces opportunities for data to get corrupted, lost, or deleted. Store your backups in a separate location to minimize the risk of data loss. After the transition to the cloud, you should continue to regularly back up your data.

Move to the Cloud

Once everything is in place and ready to switch over, begin! Use any tools given to you by your new provider to make the process smoother. Monitor everything closely so you can promptly address any issues that come up. Thoroughly test all your applications and files to ensure everything is functioning as expected. Be sure to validate all data has been transferred accurately and is accessible. Once completed, use monitoring tools and analytics to track performance and continue to make improvements as needed.

Consult with an IT Company

Getting rid of a server and moving to the cloud can introduce challenges, roadblocks, and additional IT skills or knowledge that your team may not be equipped to handle. Consult with an IT company like OAC Technology to discuss, plan, and manage your migration to ensure a seamless transition. Call us today for a free consultation!


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OAC Technology
