Latest Cybersecurity Trends

Latest Cybersecurity Trends

Cybersecurity is a major concern for individuals and businesses alike. Cyber threats are evolving, and our security measures are evolving with them. Here are some latest strategies, trends, and methods you can use to increase your cybersecurity and to stay informed.

User Account Trends

Password and account hacking methods are getting more advanced. Because of that, it’s essential to implement and require a higher level of security with your employee’s login credentials and accounts.

Require Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor authentication (MFA) is increasing in popularity and proving to be an effective method to improving security. MFA is a security approach that requires an additional layer of verification on top of the login credentials. The most common example of MFA is receiving a code via text message or email when attempting to sign in. However, there are some other variations such as Google or Microsoft Authenticator. For some more information on how to set up multifactor authentication, you can visit this article here.

Enhanced Passwords

Simple or minimally complex passwords are not as secure as they once were. Lately, companies have been requiring their employees to have strong and secure passwords that are not reused, and have them change frequently. Additionally, many online platforms and services are increasing their requirements in order to keep their client’s information secure.

Cybersecurity Software and Encryption

The cyber threats of today are becoming more and more sophisticated, thus requiring more advanced prevention and screening methods. Many of the following cybersecurity trends are included in the umbrella of Advanced Threat Detection and Response.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

Endpoint Detection and Response is a full and robust approach to antivirus software. The EDR approach monitors the endpoint continuously, analyzes the activity in real-time, then detects and responds to any threats. Because this approach focuses on the whole endpoint, such as a computer or server, malicious viruses, ransomware, or attackers are less likely to find a way into your network.

Here at OAC, we highly recommend SentinelOne Complete for the full coverage and quality prevention measures included in their EDR software.

AI Enhanced Antivirus and Security

Machine Learning and AI have been a valuable tool in the latest cybersecurity trends and practices. It allows the antivirus software to learn real-time and to evolve quicker to cybersecurity threats. Thus, AI has made security software more efficient at detecting, responding, and protecting your data from cyber threats. Some ways AI helps Managed Services Providers like OAC is by detecting and identifying unusual behavior patterns, isolating suspicious activity, and utilizing historic patterns to predict and protect against future attacks.

Data Encryption and Backups

Businesses and individuals should make sure their data is encrypted and backed up to maximize security. By performing regular backups, you can limit how susceptible you are to ransomware attacks and can recover quickly in the event of a disaster.

End Users and Employees

Employees and end users are the main source of vulnerabilities and weak areas in cybersecurity. Humans are prone to errors, and those errors are the leading cause of data breaches.

Minimum Necessary Access

A useful and common practice is granting users the minimum necessary access to complete their tasks. By not granting additional admin access, your systems are more protected from human error. The most common example of this is limiting what applications users can download to their computers. This allows for an additional layer of protection since a well-trained IT professional will more likely catch any suspicious or malicious software from being installed by an unsuspecting user.

Employee Training

Thorough and robust training materials are crucial to ensuring your employees are prepared and aware of phishing attempts, scams, and data breaches. Training should include phishing awareness, warning signs your account has been compromised, procedures for reporting suspicious activity or incidents, and how to create and update strong passwords.

Regular Security Audits and Assessments

Businesses should be routinely evaluating their security procedures and comparing them to the latest cybersecurity trends. Different kinds of assessments or audits include vulnerability assessments for any weak spots, simulated cyberattacks to make sure the defenses are working, and compliance audits to ensure you are keeping up with the industry standards.

Managed Services Providers

MSPs are responsible for ensuring their clients have a comprehensive and secure IT infrastructure. Businesses and individuals entrust their data security and safety with these providers, so it is important for them to stay ahead and keep up with the latest cybersecurity measures.

Here at OAC, we take cybersecurity seriously. We implement the latest and greatest security measures to make sure you are in the best hands. Contact us today for a free consultation for your cybersecurity needs.

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OAC Technology
