Proactive vs. Reactive IT Support

Proactive vs. Reactive IT Support

There are two main approaches companies adopt for IT and technical support: reactive vs. proactive support. These methods are also known as “break-fix” and “managed services” respectively. Each business is unique, so it’s important to understand the difference between these two approaches to know what best fits your needs and budget.

Reactive IT Support

Also known as the “break-fix” approach, reactive IT support is focused on resolving issues as they occur. This way of handling IT problems has been the standard and traditional way of thinking for quite some time. When something breaks, your IT team goes in and fixes it.

On-Demand Problem Solving

Your IT team and tech support are on-demand with the break-fix or reactive IT support model. Which means issues that are impacting your business are reported, then addressed and solved. Because of this, your IT team will only be called if and when something breaks.

Since the focus is on troubleshooting active problems, unpredictable downtime is a looming threat. Without the measures found in the proactive model, problems that could cause your business to experience significant downtime may not be prevented. Reactive IT support is better suited for short-term IT issues and smaller projects. Oftentimes, this method struggles in the long-term as the primary focus is on solving current issues rather than preventing future ones.

As-Needed Costs

Companies are likely to have lower initial startup costs for their IT support with this model. However, the monthly budget is unpredictable. If your company doesn’t have a lot of issues in the month, your bill is probably lower than the proactive alternative. But, if something major breaks, the costs will likely be higher. This makes it somewhat difficult to plan for and forecast IT costs.

Security and Regular Maintenance

Companies that utilize the reactive IT model need to have other systems in place for regular security maintenance to ensure their data is adequately protected. Since your IT team will be focused on fixing problems, equipment that isn’t receiving regular security patches is at a higher risk of data breaches. Similarly, hardware that isn’t receiving regular maintenance is prone to failure if warning signs aren’t noticed.

Businesses That Benefit

This infrastructure is best suited to businesses that have an internal IT team that outsources high level issues to an reactive IT support team. The internal team handles the day to day or minor issues along with security monitoring and prevention. Then, any issues beyond their capabilities or bandwidth are escalated. This framework helps balance proactive vs. reactive IT support.

Proactive IT Support

Typically known as “managed services”, the proactive IT support model focuses on continual maintenance and prevention. It combines forward-thinking, continual monitoring, and regular maintenance to prevent issues or downtime to keep your business running smoothly.

Problem Prevention

In order to prevent any problems that would cause downtime for your company, your proactive IT support team monitors your systems constantly. The team is alerted to any potential threats, and works to resolve them before they become real problems. This method minimizes disruptions for your employees and users since the majority of the issues are detected and resolved before your team is impacted.

Monthly Covered Services

Each Managed Services Provider (MSP) will offer different covered services in their monthly managed services bill. Generally, these services include preventative and reactive IT support services. For instance, your IT team will monitor your systems and fix potential issues in the background, and will assist your employees with any computer issues they may be experiencing. Even with the best prevention measures in place, tech issues can and do still occur.

The benefit to the proactive IT support model is a consistent monthly bill. Typically, your bill of services will be the same each month, allowing for reliable budgeting, unless you have additional non-covered services or costs like equipment purchasing. However, this model can get expensive as the time spent by your IT company is higher due to the constant monitoring and surveillance.

Security and Regular Maintenance

Included in the monthly services is routine checkups, maintenance, and security patches for your software and hardware. This ensures that your systems are covered and up-to-date, vulnerabilities are mitigated, and your performance is optimized. There is a lower risk to data breaches as any known exploits or weak spots will be patched and secured as soon as possible. This constant vigilance on your systems leads to an easier time keeping up with industry standards and regulations or compliance.

Businesses That Benefit

This approach benefits businesses that are looking to outsource their IT and security needs and want to maintain a predictable budget. Proactive IT support is not just for larger companies, it can benefit small or solo operating companies as well. Here at OAC, we scale our managed services to fit your company size, whether you have 1 employee or 100.

Consult with an IT Company

Both models are effective approaches to IT support that have their strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, the model is best for your business is the one that fits your needs and budget.

If you are unsure what model best fits your company, you can contact us today for a free consultation!


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OAC Technology
